
Sicilia Outlet Village

The structure is located in one of the oldest sites of our peninsula: in fact, the prehistoric finds found, would give the origins of the city of Agira more than 30,000 years ago. Here, in the most important commercial area of the island, in the Sicilian hinterland close to the Pozzillo lake, stands the shopping district. Well connected to the motorway network, it spreads over an area of 30,000 square meters, hosting over 140 shops of the best national and international brands.

Opening Hours Boutique Agira

Opening Hours

Monday - Friday

10:00 - 20:00

Saturday- Sunday

10:00 - 21:00

Location Boutique Agira


Sicilia Outlet Village

A19 Palermo-Catania

Uscita Dittaino- 94011 Agira (EN), Italia


+39 0935 594113

La nostra boutique Sicilia Outlet Village